circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
 Genome LocusBuildhg19
 DiseaseEssential HypertensionICD-10 Essential (primary) hypertension (I10)
 Experimental Method
 Sample TypeTissue and cell linesComparisonfive newly diagnosed EH and five age"matched (±3 years) and gender"matched non"EH
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCRPCR Details
No Primers FoundStatisticsFold Change : Upregulated
pvalue : <0.05
Bao, X, He, X, Zheng, S, Sun, J, Luo, Y, Tan, R, Zhao, J, Zhong, F, Zhang, L (2019). Up-regulation of circular RNA hsa_circ_0037909 promotes essential hypertension. J. Clin. Lab. Anal., 33, 4:e22853.